Standing with Israel
“And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”” (Genesis 12:3)

In 1938 God raised up The Friends of Israel to help Jewish people escape the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust. Today we continue to stand against every form of anti-Semitism and support the right of the Jewish people to live in their ancient homeland, Israel. Below you will find a variety of opportunities to stand in solidarity with God’s chosen people.
The founders of The Friends of Israel. Seated from left to right: Lydia Buksbazen, Dr. Victor Buksbazen, Judge Edward Griffiths, Rev. Theo Wray, Robert Grasberger, and Der. Walter Riemann. Standing, left to right: Victor Buksbazen Jr., Rev. Stewart Rankin, secretaries Miss M. Hutison and Miss E. Phillips, Robert Ekeland, Dr. Melvin Forney, Lester O’Flaherty, Mrs. Mary Smith, and Robert Wolf.
In New Zealand
Meet at the Mountain is an initiative of FOI New Zealand that fosters
solidarity with young Israeli travellers who visit our country each year. Providing accommodation, extending friendship and care, MATM is the perfect way we can stand with Israel and the Jewish people. LEARN MORE
The Holocaust and Antisemitism Foundation is a New Zealand charitable organisation remembering the history of the Holocaust by telling the stories of survivors. FOI-NZ highly recommends this world class project as a resource for everyone. LEARN MORE
NOTE: Some content from IINZ may not reflect views held by The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry Inc.
The Israel Institute of New Zealand is an independent think tank dedicated to providing New Zealanders with a better understanding of the State of Israel through accurate analysis, insightful commentary, and effective advocacy.
In Israel

See Israel
Never has there been a more exciting time to be in the land of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The prophetic significance is overwhelming: and the historical significance, unprecedented.

Serve Israel
Blessing Israel With Lovingkindness.
The Hesed Project is an exciting, Christian adult-volunteer program to Israel, hosted by The Friends of Israel.

Stand with Israel Fund
When you stand with Israel you are providing comfort to God’s people. We are positioned to direct the contributions quickly to provide help and comfort where needed most.
Zion Connection takes a thoughtful, sensitive look at relations between
Jewish people and evangelical Christians. And it tackles such controversial issues as anti-Semitism, the rise of Islam, the right of Jewry to a homeland in the Middle East, and whether Christians should try to reach Jewish people with the gospel message—and how.
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