“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” (Romans 1:16)

Our mission at The Friends of Israel is focused—we are a worldwide evangelical ministry proclaiming biblical truth about Israel and the Messiah, while bringing physical and spiritual comfort to the Jewish people.
Here in New Zealand we are...
about Israel & The Messiah through...

Bible Teaching
Are you are looking for solid Bible teaching from a literal, cultural, and historical perspective? Consider having FOI visit your church or group.
Whether teaching God's redemptive plan for Israel, studies from Bible prophecy, or sharing the significance of the Feasts of Israel, we would love to help you dig deeper into the Word of God.
Click on the link below to learn how you can engage FOI at your church or group.
Bible Tours
There is nothing quite like seeing the Bible turn from black and white to colour. This is what happens from taking an FOI Bible study tour to Israel. When you see the land, hear the language, and get to know the people and culture, your faith and knowledge will grow like never before. Our tours offer great value and a comprehensive itinerary.
It really will be a trip of a lifetime!
Our HESED and ORGINS tours are designed for practical serving in Israel while also taking in the incredible sights of this very special nation. Click on the link below to learn all about our tours to Israel and beyond.

Bible Tools
Whether it is a blog, a magazine full of interesting articles and teaching, or books and DVD's for your personal or group-led studies, FOI books are going to encourage you in your journey of faith. In sticking wth our mission to provide Biblical truth about Israel and the Messiah, all our resources will be sure to help you as you seek to grow in your faith and understanding of the Bible. Click the link to see all the resources we have for purchase as well as for free.
for the Jewish People with...
Comforting Hospitality
New Zealand is a magnet for tourists. And many who come to explore the natural beauty and abundance of adventure are young Israelis venturing out into the world following their mandatory military service. Spending on average of 3 months months in the country over the summer months, most travel around in camper vans. In addition they seek out comfortable low cost accommodation near the most popular walking tracks and tourist attractions. Meet at the Mountain is a new initiative FOI-NZ is offering these young Jewish travellers to provide comforting hospitality. Click on the link below to learn more about this exciting opportunity and how you can be involved.

Comforting Spirituality
The comfort of Messiah is true comfort for the soul. The christian witness and truth of the gospel is comfort for all people everywhere. It was delivered to the world through the Jewish people and brought to the ends of the earth so that even those of us in New Zealand could hear the good news of salvation. Now we have the privilege to bring that comfort to the descendants of those who first received the promises of God right back at the beginning.
To bring spiritual comfort to the souls of young Israelis begins with opening our hearts and homes, but also requires us to open our mouths to share the reason for the hope we have within. Learn more about how we are speaking spiritual comfort to the Jewish people by clicking on the link below.
Comforting Solidarity
Antisemitism is a continual scourge on the landscape of our world and continues as a threat to the Jewish people. Throughout history, many christians have remained indifferent to the plight of Gods people and the Jews have suffered as a consequence. Conversely, many Christians have been the true champions of the diaspora and the nation of Israel based on their Biblical convictions that God remains faithful to His people. By standing with Israel and the Jewish people we demonstrate a love for what God loves.
Blessing Israel brings blessing from God and to find out more about how we bless Israel and how you can too, please click on the link below.

Nearly 80 years ago, the Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry (FOI) was founded as a compassionate effort to meet the spiritual and physical needs of Jewish people whose lives were displaced and tragically affected by the Holocaust.
Since its inception in 1938, the ministry continues to stand against every form of anti-Semitism and support the right of the Jewish people to live in their ancient homeland, Israel.
Additionally, FOI actively invests in the edification of Christians by teaching Scripture that exemplifies why loving the Jewish people and supporting Israel is integral to the Christian faith. Today, FOI’s presence spans the globe with ministry workers serving Jewish people worldwide.