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The Messianic Prophecies of Jesus DVD

The Messianic Prophecies of Jesus DVD

SKU: V062
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How can we know that Jesus is the true Messiah?

From Genesis to Revelation, the Messiah is the central character of the Bible. In this eight-part series from The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, study the Scriptures concerning the fulfilled prophecies of the First Coming of Jesus.

Sessions include:

• The Promised One—Meeting the Messiah of Israel
• Messianic Prophecies in the Feasts of Israel
• Messianic Prophecies in the Law
• Messianic Prophecies in the Psalms
• Messianic Prophecies of the Suffering Servant
• Messianic Prophecies of the Conquering King
• Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus' First Coming
• Messianic Prophecies to be Fulfilled in Jesus' Second Coming

Learn with anticipation of the glorious prophecies promised in His triumphal Second Coming!


Format: 2-disc DVD, Closed Caption, 300 minutes, Code: V062

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